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Breast Cancer - Updates on new technologies, cures and prevention methods

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day by day , this disease named "Cancer" is becoming more and more nightmare for all of all ages. Everyone wants to prevent it by all means. Getting it in a lifetime is like handling a ghost in house. Nobody wants this ghost in their lives. True and there has to be some ways that can prevent it effectively. After all it is a foreigner, isn't it? 

There are new and fresh techniques that are tested and proved to be effective in prevention of breast cancer by scientists. In my earlier posts, I have shared some information to my visitors with latest news like, blood tests to predict and prevent breast cancer occurrence and recurrence, genetic tests that determine BC, 101 ways to prevent BC, recipes for breast cancer patients, etc. 

Getting detected earlier is the most important step in treating breast cancer or any other cancer. Because, early detection means good treatment and less suffering, as compared to other stages of breast cancer. One who has been detected in stage 1 or 2 are lucky in that matter as their survival rates are more. 

Recently it has been found out that, like blood tests for eg: ICH4 test and Cellsearch test, which are capable to predict the cancer whether it is occurring or recurring. Similarly, there is one more test called as "Saliva test" that can predict the occurrence of breast cancer. 

Now what is Saliva test? It is a way of testing the hormones , its status and its balance in the body. On the basis of this test , one can predict the occurrence of breast cancer.It a is also called as "Saliva Hormone testing"

Vitamin D and mineral iodine, are the main and key ones in our body that play an important roles in maintaining the breast health. If anyone of them loses its balance, then there is a possibility of getting high risk of breast cancer

Other hormones like Estrogen and Progesterone, also go hand in hand with the maintenance of breast health. Estrogen is a hormone which takes care of cell growth and Progesterone is a protective hormone. In our body, there is a wear and tear or cells and tissues constantly in progress. If in that , new tissues are formed then the old ones and dead ones has to be shed down from the body to replace the new ones. If this doesn't happen then there is a possibility that the dead ones may make a house in the body which then turn out to be unwanted cell growth and then take the form of tumor

The lymph nodes play an active part in shedding the lymphatic fluid from the breasts. If they don't do this , then again like above the unwanted fluid form a tumor.

While doing this Saliva test, there is a need to inform your family doctor for Comprehensive Plus Panel Saliva Kit. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

All have the fear of getting breast cancer. And why not? It is such a disease that may harm full body even if it is treated with chemotherapy and radiation. There may be some way out there which can really prove effective to treat breast cancer or let us say to prevent the disease from occurring. Now its high time that every woman should fight against it , even if anyone is suffering from it or not. Feel very bad for those women who have gone through the treatment and its side effects. They have come out of it but still after so many years, they are crying for pain in the hands, fatigue, tiredness, etc that are the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. And the most important fear that is always in the mind of the women or the patients is , "Will it occur again ?" This doubt is always in their mind and always they keep on asking to everyone. Unfortunately, the answer for this is ," May be or may not be"

What else can one say!!! Even Oncologists and Radiologists have no answer for this. If asked they say that , can anyone predict about heart attack , for example , if occurred once will never occur or attack again in the lifetime? Yes, but there is a difference between a heart attack and cancer. The main difference is that there is no need for heart attack patient to take treatment that kills the good cells in the body also with the cancer cells in the chemotherapy. Heart attack can occur twice or thrice, but if cancer occurs likewise then , what will be the patient's body be ?

In my previous post, I have specified about some new technologies that detect the breast cancer. The robots may take this responsibility to find out the breast cancer cells in the body which may be a form of detecting the disease in the early form. Also there are 5 mobile apps that prevent breast cancer. With the rising use of Facebook , a social networking giant, recently came up with a new Facebook app called "Circle of Support" app that gets connected with the fellow breast cancer survivors.  This app is specially designed for Metastatic Breast cancer patients (MBC).

To avoid the patient from all the pain that she goes through, I have listed some important ways that are natural in treating the breast cancer or preventing it .

  1. Accupuncture
  2. Ayurveda
  3. Yoga
  4. Diet
  5. Wheatgrass juice or powder
  6. Natural home remedies
  7. Homepathy

Acupuncture: A way of treating breast cancer. The actual term is SHAM Acupuncture. Now what is SHAM acupuncture. Acupuncture originates from ancient China, that treats patients by manipulating skin with the use of needles.   In an article, there is nice clarifications of breast cancer and acupuncture.

SHAM acupuncture is said to treat most of the side effects of breast cancer treatments. 

Ayurveda: In Ayurveda, the use of certain natural herbs is used and mixed together to give the perfect treatment on the part of the body. The list of Ayurveda herbs are :

  • Aloe Vera: The best ayurvedic remedy for breast cancer. The medicine that is prepared from Aloe vera has no side effects. Not so costly and easy to prepare. The main ingredients in preparing the medicine needs, 2 - 3 leaves of aloe vera , half kilo of honey, 4 teaspoons of distilled liquor. 
          Method or preparing the Aloe vera medicine: 
          Firstly remove all the thorns from the aloe vera and cut the leaves into small pieces. In a container, put 
        the leaves, honey and liquor and stir them well. Preserve this in a cool place and use this as a  medicine.
         How to use:
         Take one tsp three times a day on an empty stomach. This should be taken atleast 15 minutes before meals. Any type of cancer can be cured with this medicine. Sometimes for some people, they may experience reactions for this medicine like nausea, vomiting, or dysentry. In that case, patient is advised to take plenty of fruits and plenty of water to drink.
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Garlic
  • Rosemary 
  • Fenugreek
 In one of my posts, you will get the details of all the ayurvedic items that can be used to cure breast cancer. Treat Breast Cancer Naturally.

Yoga : For breast cancer treatments . Below is a video that will help you in guiding the best yoga pratices for breast cancer patients.

Wheatgrass powder / juice: for treating breast cancer side effects. Wheat grass is a natural powder which can cure breast cancer or any type of cancer. The side effects will get reduces to more than 50%. It can be used in the form of powder or juice. More about wheatgrass in the link here: Wheatgrass - treat breast cancer naturally